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SB 07 Soil elevator conveyor

The soil elevator conveyor can move up any type of soil. Its adjustable unloading level will allow you to combine it with most soil fillers & mixers.

soil flow/yields 16 cu foot/minute


1.5HP motor with different voltage available


Working position

Width: 48 in. (122cm)

Height: 96.5 to 112in (244cm to 284cm) adjustable


Length: 36in (91cm)

Width: 35in (89cm)

Height: 39in. (190cm to 226cm) adjustable


Length: 12in. (30cm)

Width: 20in. (51cm)

Height: 75in. to 89in. (190 to 226cm) adjustable

Option available:

Soil level sensors optional


SB 07 Soil elevator conveyor